Sifu Loi Lok Fu


Sifu Loi Lok Fu is one of the first non-Chinese to be accepted into the YKM family. He was first introduced to boxing in 1963, then later studied Karate. He excelled in Karate in forms and sparring. Because of his aggressive nature and being born a natural "scrapper", he was always one of the few picked to represent his school in tournaments. He earned several titles for his school, but after a few years, his desire to become more diverse in martial arts drove him to learn from a Sifu he heard about that had just recently arrived from Hong Kong.


Sifu Loi Lok Fu still remembers the "first time" he asked Sifu Tak Kei Wan to teach him... Let's just say it took persistence and a lot of patience to finally convince Sifu Tak Kei Wan to call his Sifu in Hong Kong to see if tradition can be broken and a non-Chinese be taught. In 1971, Sifu Loi Lok fu started his YKM training. It didn't take Sifu Loi Lok Fu long to become one of Sifu Tak Kei Wan's top student.


In 1974, he opened his studio in San Diego. His school was known as one of the toughest schools around. All of his students had to go through an elimination test before they can join. It was there that he taught members of the US Seal Team.


After five years, Sifu Loi Lok Fu went to Hong Kong with Sifu Tak Kei Wan to meet his Sigung. In Hong Kong, he was formally accepted into the Yau Kung Moon family and was given a Chinese name by his Sigung. That was the first but certainly not the last time he was there. His school traveled to Hong Kong several times to represent YKM Los Angeles and YKM San Diego in full contact sparring competition. His school holds true to traditional standards. It offers all the traditional hand and weapon sets, specializing in his two favorites, the 11 sectional steel whip and the 3 sectional staff (sam jeet kwon).


Sifu Lok Lok Fu moved to Panama, Central America, in 1994. He is currently teaching a few selected students. His studio is one of the few schools recognized by the Hong Kong Martial Arts Association.